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Андрей Семенов – Page 3 – "Finval" Research Centre

All posts by Андрей Семенов

In April-May 2021, educational expeditions to Kalmykia and Dagestan were successfully completed.

More than 4500 kilometers were covered by the participants of the expeditions across Dagestan and Kalmykia on the expeditionary off-road vehicle. Unexpected snow in sunny Dagestan, heavy rains in arid Kalmykia became surprises, but did not stop the expedition members … We managed to complete almost the entire planned program and also to see a lot of new and unexpected things! As expected, Kalmykia pleased us with the beautiful flowering of tulips, irises and other flowers. We were pleasantly surprised by Burning Water Source, Buddhist temples and buildings. Dagestan was just great! The beautiful alpine lake Kezenoy-Am in spring flowers, the way to it along the field mountain roads … the wonderful Samur
liana forest with the incomparable singing of birds and many other places amazed the participants of the expedition …

The RC “Finval” took an active part in the international conference “Marine mammals of the Holarctic”.

From March 1 to March 5, the international online conference “Marine mammals of the Holarctic” was held in Moscow. 319 scientists from 20 countries of the world took part in its work. The “Finval” Research Center was represented by Andrey Semenov. He made an oral report: “Distribution and abundance of the
Laptev walrus in the coastal area of the Laptev Sea.” In addition to this report, we presented 2 poster reports: “Distribution and abundance of marine mammals in the coastal zone of Southeastern Chukotka, Eastern Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands in the summer of 2018 – 2019.” and “Marine mammals of the coastal zone of the Laptev Sea”.